Selected Publicity
It has been fun to have some of my work catch a tiny bit of limelight from the broader community. Here are a few projects that drew some notice:
• A statistical method of quantifying the minimum atmospheric height of an exoplanet, that I worked on together with David Kipping and Dimitar Sasselov of CfA, was featured on Yahoo News.
• The discovery of a low-mass, directly-imaged exoplanet around GJ 504 led to a press release and attention from
• In summer of 2011, a collaboration with David Kipping of CfA, dubbed "The Darkest World" (Kipping & Spiegel 2011 MNRAS), was briefly the top news story on Yahoo News and was also written up on, among other sites. This also one of many topics covered in a radio interview with me about exoplanets on NPR affiliate WAMC.
• A Bayesian analysis of the astrobiological implications of the early emergence of life on Earth, in collaboration with Ed Turner (Spiegel & Turner 2012 PNAS), led to a press release and attracted the attention of The Huffington Post, MIT's magazine Technology Review, The Trenton Times, and more. (Note that the Technology Review piece mischaracterizes our work somewhat.)
Radio interview
with me about exoplanets on NPR affiliate WAMC
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