A Study of the Fluxes from Model Young Gas-Giant Planets as a Function of Mass, Age, Initial Entropy, and Atmosphere

Model Description:

The files linked to in this page contain the output of the 33,488 new spectral models presented in the paper "Spectral and Photometric Diagnostics of Giant Planet Formation Scenarios" by D. Spiegel & A. Burrows (2012). These models correspond to the four different atmosphere types from Burrows, Heng, & Nampaisarn (2011): (hybrid clouds at solar metallicity -- hy1s; hybrid clouds at 3x solar metallicity -- hy3s; cloud-free at solar metallicity -- cf1s; cloud-free at 3x solar metallicity -- cf3s).

1. Magnitudes
(a) The file magnitudes.tar.gz (125K) consists of a directory (magnitudes/) containing four files, "m_01.txt", "m_02.txt", "m_05.txt", and "m_10.txt". show the evolution of radius and of absolute magnitudes in H, J, K, L', M, and N bands as functions of initial entropy and age. The filename specifies the mass in units of Jupiter's mass. The contents of these files are as follows:

The first row is a header that labels the 27 columns. The data listed are initial entropy (in Boltzmann constants per baryon), age, radius, and then absolute magnitudes in H, J, K, L', M', and N bands for each of 4 different atmosphere assumptions: hybrid clouds at solar abundance of metals, hybrid at 3x solar abundance, cloud-free at solar abundance, and cloud-free at 3x solar abundance. The hybrid and cloud-free models are described in Burrows, Heng, & Nampaisarn (2011). table_matrix_hot.txt contains absolute magnitudes assuming our fiducial (i.e., hy1s) "hot start" model, and table_matrix_cold.txt contains absolute magnitudes assuming our fiducial "cold start" model.

m_01.txt, m_02.txt, m_05.txt, m_10.txt:
By column --

The flux zero points used for computing these magnitudes are:

H0:  1.04e-20 erg/cm^2/s/Hz
J0: 1.56e-20 erg/cm^2/s/Hz
K0: 6.45e-21 erg/cm^2/s/Hz
L'0: 2.49e-21 erg/cm^2/s/Hz
M0: 1.63e-21 erg/cm^2/s/Hz
N0: 3.98e-22 erg/cm^2/s/Hz

That is, in band X, with zero point X0, the magnitude is
MX = -2.5 log10[ FX / X0 ] ,
where FX is the X-band flux, integrated over the band-pass.

2. Spectra
(a) The file spectra.tar.gz (107M) consists of a directory (spectra/) that contains 1680 files, one for each of 4 atmosphere types, each of 15 masses, and each of 28 ages. The file names indicate the combination.

hy1s = hybrid clouds, solar abundances
hy3s = hybrid clouds, 3x solar abundances
cf1s = cloud-free, solar abundances
cf3s = cloud-free, 3x solar abundances

The first number indicates the mass (in units of Jupiter's) and the second indicates the age (in Myr).

Each file contains the following rows:

    Row #: Value

Row 1 contains the wavelength scale (in columns 2-601) for a moderate resolution (R = 200) spectrum. In rows 2-end, where the spectra appear, the source is assumed to be at a distance of 10 pc. Initial entropies increase from 8.0 to the minimum of 13.0 and the maximum stable initial entropy that we could calculate, in increments of 0.25.

Higher resolution spectra are available upon request.

Finally, we provide .pdf tables similar to the table (Table 1) of our paper, but for all four atmospheres:

Hybrid clouds, solar (hy1s.pdf)
Hybrid clouds, 3x solar (hy3s.pdf)
Cloud-free, solar (cf1s.pdf)
Cloud-free, 3x solar (cf3s.pdf)